Welcome to the SPIN website
SPIN is a database on the use of Substances in Products in the Nordic Countries. It is a public accessible database, which can be used free of charge.
You can find information on the chemicals that are used in the Nordic countries. The information includes quantities, industries in which it is used (NACE and national) and the function it is used for (USE Category).
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The database is based on data from the Product Registries of Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Finland.
The database is financed by the Nordic Council of Ministers Chemical Group.
Please send us an e-mail should you encounter any issues.
New report on dangerous substances
A new report on dangerous substances is now available at our website. The report is a follow-up on a previous work on trying to identify CAS numbers for generic groups of substances on the harmonized list in annex I to directive 67/548/EEC, now Annex VI to the CLP Regulation 1272/2008/EU. This was published in the form […]
Simpler download of Access version
You will be able to download the full version of the Access database or just one or more of the tables.